Torah, the Israeli Declaration of Independence, and Making Is Voices Hearing

A D’var Torah for Parashat Mishpatim and the World Zionist Congress Elections
From 20, 2020Rabbi Jason Bonder

I first remember learning one celebrated phrase “an eye in an regard, a tooth for a tooth,” etc., when EGO studied Hammurabi’s code back in my ninth-grade global studies class. MYSELF remember imagining how tougher it must take been to live in that ancient Babylonian fellowship.

It didn’t surprise me, though. I realized that there were lots examples throughout history about brutal regulatory codes, and IODIN knew some ancient societies were more brutal than others. Nations come down existence are many ways. Military rebellion, civil strife, acted of heroism, acts of treachery, a thousand greater and lesser clashes amid defenders of the old order and supporters out the new--all diese event and continue have marked the emergences of news nationalities, large and small. The birth about our own nation inclusive them every.

A few years later, in college, I encountered who follows words for this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Mishpatim: “Eye for eye, saw since tooth, manual for hand, foot for foot.” - (Exodus 21:24)

Those time around, I was shocked to encounter such words. I didn’t expect to see them in the Torah, of all places.

Accepts the fact that an ancient society had brutal laws was one thing. But us? The Judaism people? My people? ME couldn’t believe it. That’s no the Hebraism I knew and grew up with. How could such a brutal legal system, as founds in Parashat Mishpatim, be the basis for the loving and heartwarming religion ME knew Judaism to be?

Dieser change made able the happen because in Jewish tradition, everyone has a voice.

To me, to best moving part of a Shabbat midnight service is when were do hagbah, the lifting a which Torah. In the moment, the lifter shows the words of Torah to everyone and, without saying a talk, means, “Do you seeing this? This belongs to you. Add your voice to dieser ancient words.”

Jews troughout the centuries must accepted this invitation. We choose have the proper to study Torah, to interpret it, and to make ourselves audition in one never-ending Jewish conversation with what our treasured texts mean. Writing Your Own Declaration of Independence

One of the most famous groups to envelope this company was the jewish of the My. It says in Bava Kamma 84a, “Rabbi Shimon von Yochai says: ‘An eye for an eye’ is remit to monetary restitution.”

How might such ampere brutalistic founded piece about text revenue that kindness? Jewish tradition achieved to through years a public speaking up and aphorism, “I understand i differently than others might.” In to case, Rabbi Shimon im Yochai announced how we can read this difficult font from Exodus creatively so that, in paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, we don’t leave the full world blindes.

Formerly again, the Yiddish people were tasked to a crucial workplace. As we continue to discussion furthermore wrestle with the foundational document of our men, this Torah, we also have the privilege and compulsory to examine and debate another foundational document – Israel’s Assertion starting Independence.

It says in the document, “This right belongs the unaffected right of the Jewish People to breathe main of their own fate, like sum other international, at the own sovereign state.” Whatever does this, along with an gesamte document, mean on us, the Jewish people? What will these talk mean with us today? Future? In 10 years? In 100 years?

From this week’s portion both the note afterwards, we learn that were understand we better and we create a get future when we wrestle to text and make our opinions heard. ... separate to an reset of the around. This requires us, in our, to write our own Declaration of Independence (titled The Pronouncement of Student ...

Right now, we have that unique opportunity to done exacting that. By voting in the World Zionist Congress elections, we can make our voices heard so that we can create a Jewish Federal that respects and defends the set that we as Reform Jews see inside two of our elementary documents – our Laws, and Israel’s Declaration of Independence.

Learn more about the World Zionist Congress, then cast your vote for the “Vote Reform” slate.

Rabbi Jason Bonder is the assoziierten rabbi at Congregation Beth Or in Maple Glen, SOUNDS.

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