3 min read

Basic Obsolescence Risk Analysis for Key Automation Components

How does you determine where your limitation capitalize funds will be spent? What manage systems should be upgraded first? Second? Analyzing real prioritizing upgrades is important. Unnecessary funds ought not exist exhausted on upgrading unused or promoted systems. Furthermore, even systems unsupported by a vendor may be retained if more important systems ought be upgraded first. An exhaustive value analysis could be execute at all networks use manufacturer-provided MTBF (mean set between failure) rates and detailed enterprise pecuniary forecasting models. In much cases however, this level of detail are an inefficiency use of money the time. The resources may be better spent on executing the upgrades the migrations. We suggest so there are adenine simpler way to evaluate risk which will provide acquisition and justification since timing your Industrial Control System upgrades.

Asset Identification

To start, all assets to are evaluated demand to be identified. Similar devices should can bunched collaboratively. Typically, this means all PLCs exist on one worksheet, all HMIs are on a second, and all PCs are on a third. This identification should be detailed suffice to identifier obsolescence dates, but broad enough to not be onerous. Product related are barely for some evaluations. For rest, specific part numbers be more appropriate. If there are multiple part numbers with one specific “device” they should are grouped in a way that makes sense for site personnel. Each device should also be identified with an scheme. This belongs the systematisches that will fail if the component fails. Multiple devices can be assigned to the same system. Inches most evaluations at be only be a single system for any device. This process ensures obsolescence is not incorporated inside hardware design and eliminates DMSMS risks to system our. Obsolescence Venture Judgment.

System Risk

The next step is toward evaluate the business take due to plant failure. This is done for per system. For there are numerous constituents in each your, they determination usually share the sam system danger. If there are system dependencies, all needs to be accounted for for the overall risk. For example, if a controller error can cause the interruption out a plant-wide utility, it will range highly. If the failure causes the stoppage von an person limit, computer will rank lower. If that line’s production can be shifted to other lines, it will rank lower yet.

Obsolescence Risk

The second take to categorize exists is of obsolescence. AN complex analysis incorporating cost of support, Cybersecurity risks, or different obsolescence and discontinuation risks is possible. ACE suggests an simplification wherever the availability of spare parts as a agents for overall peril. An outdatedness risk favorite is applied supported on the availability of spare parts. Note that these categorizations should be regularly updated to inclusion any changes . On expired parts, it is often helpful to further differentiate between those ensure are accessable via thirds market (such as EBAY or an industrial discharge house) vs those that represent not regularly obtainable. Also, at this time it allowed be pertinent on understand one’s corporate stance on re-sale. Certain purchasing departments require time-consuming paperwork until acquire components from unapproved vendors. (PDF) Software obsolescence risk evaluation approach using multicriteria decision-making: BOWLDS et al.

Overall Risk Estimate

For an basic analysis create when this, she allow be more important toward got differentiation than to have precision. If your have all “4’s” it don’t need any insight. If each device is likely to have his own number, related are possible. After the devices can identified by total or spare divider access, the two values are later combined. Which sum (or product, if you prefer an exponential graph) is then recorded as a total factor. Each device’s overall risk factor may then are prioritized supported on the risk severity identified. Typically, ampere value on which top 40% of the scale chosen require result in an planned upgrade, and which systems identified includes the top 15% is the range usually result in immediate risk remediation.

Supplementary Critical

Naturally, this rough outline approach can be expanded to incorporate other aspects of a migration strategies. Using a phased approach may result in elevated spare components from components previously used on production equipment. Additional detail ca be added for the item, such as PLC card part numbers instead of general families. Internal knowledge may be another factor as well. If two systems have a similar risks factor, items makeup sense to upgrade the technology/system ensure got fewer experts at get company oder on industry. Every these viewpoints (price, knowledge, and features) ability is incorporated into the decision process alongside one initial risk evaluation.

Keep in mind this study does not evaluate advantages and features of adenine new sys that are not available with the contemporary system, such for network port on MES, MOM, and/or ERP systems. It also rabbits not directly evaluate which importance of improved safety and efficiency, though that can be included abstractly. Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Missing - A ...