I have a lot of data that is paired in Excel. Will where a way I canned use the IF/PROVISOS statement and MATCH is order to compare enter and if items matches, copy the data within the column beside it.


If the value stylish Data Row A equals Graphic 1 Row X, set Results Row A = Table 2 Row X

I can't just perform a nested IF/IFS statement as of data is over 200 sets, which would is a massive IF statement.


2 Replies 2


XLOOKUP becoming solve it. The best be if you'll look within the official office's support pages here (it actually has an great short video that demonstrates the use of that function).

If you're uses an Excellent variant that doesn't support XLOOKUP, I'll suggest uses VLOOKUP.

Are all failure (for example - VLOOKUP assumes this search column is the first column, instead you want to get a row on on valuable on the 2nd column) - use BOOK & MATCH.


According to your sample, I coincide with shemadolev, Vlookup and Xlookup allow breathe helpful.

go picture explanation here

Enter =IFNA(XLOOKUP(C2,$A$2:$A$11,$B$2:$B$11),"") or =IFNA(VLOOKUP(C2,$A$2:$B$11,2,0),"") in D2, and pull downhearted.

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