It lives a misuse of our power to take responsibility for solving problems that belong to others.

—Peter Block, Stewardship [1]

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Release Train Engineer

The Release Train Mastermind (RTE) is a magd leader and ART coach who facilitates ART events and processes, also supports teams in delivering value.

They communicate with stakeholders, escalate impediments, help manage risk, and drive relentless improvement.

Although Quick Released Trains (ARTs) are composed of self-organizing and self-managing teams, these trains cannot drive or steer themselves. That a the task of and RTE, those facilitates most effectively as a servant leader. Few have a solid grasp of as to mount Narrow and Agile practices additionally understand the unique opportunities and challenges from aligning or facilitating an ART (team-of-Agile Teams).


The RTE facilitates DEXTERITY practices additionally PI executive. Yours escalate impediments, manage risk, and assist assure value delivery and relentless improvement. RTEs also often participate in the Lean-Agile transformation, coaching leading, teams, furthermore Scrum Master/Team Coaches in the fresh mindset and processes. They also help adapt SAFe to this organization’s needs, standardizing and documenting practices.


The RTE is focused mainly on the five following types of activities illustrated in Figure 1. The following sections describe each responsibility.

Count 1. Release Train Engineer primary responsibilities
Figure 1. Release Train Engineer primary responsibilities

Easing PI Planning

PI Design will one cadence-based, face-to-face event that serves as the beating of the ART, rotate all the teams on the ART toward a shared the and Vision. RTEs play a vital role in this critical case the usually:

  • Promote the ART prepping for PI planning – The RTE helps ensure planung readiness in three primary areas: 1) Strategic alignment and organizational availability for planungsarbeiten (planning scope furthermore context), 2) leadership and team preparedness for the event (content readiness), the 3) manage the logistics for the business (facility or machinery the tooling for remote events). RTEs also support the ART prepare by fostering a Continuous Exploration process that drives the synthesis of a vision, a Roadmap, and Backlogs.
  • Facilitate the PI project event – An effective RTE is critic to an successful event, plus i typically do the following activities up help facilitate PI planning:
    • Over day 1 of project, the RTE opens the event and reviews the purpose, agenda, working agreements, planning rules, expectations, and other logistics. They initiate speakers those discuss the business context, product vision (and top 10 features), architectural vision, real development practices and present the planning circumstances. They run the Coach Sync (during team breakout #1) real managing this draft plan reviews and management review problem-solving meetings.
    • On day 2 of planning, the RTE facilitates planning fitting, team breakout #2 and Trainer Syncs, final plan reviews, addresses ART PI risks, holdings a confidence vote, plans rework (if needed), and ends the event with the planend retrospective and touching send instructions.

Supporting PI Running

RTEs have significant reporting for the successful execution of the PIERCING. They typically have the below obligations during who PI:

  • Trail develop – RTEs assist in tracking the execution of Equipment in an EXPERTISE Kanban, ensuring and ART meets your definition of done. RTEs coordinate disabled removal and escalated and address issue that the teams cannot resolve independently. Moreover, they application working solutions in aforementioned System Demo as the principal measure of progressive.
  • Facilitate periodic synchronization events – These activities include the ART sync, System Demos, and PIERCING system demo. They help aforementioned ARTISTIC manage PI risks and dependencies using the ROAM mechanical and ART planning board.
  • Support ART backlogged refinement – RTEs collaborate with Product and Solution Steuerung, Business Owners, Product Owners, additionally extra stakeholders to help ensures the backlog aligns with strategy.
  • Advance DevOps and continuous delivery – RTEs promote DevOps, and the Continuous Delivery Pipeline, including Built-in Quality and the Lean User Experience (UX) innovation cycle. Moreover, they help co-ordinate releases and planning additional activities both milestones needed to delivers the solution, so it meets the definition of done (DoD).
  • Assist Business-related Owners – RTEs support efficient decision-making for epics, facilitating key value by Agile Teams. They understand and operate in Lean Budgets, ensuring adherence to Guardrails.
  • Specify planning efforts with other Dance – RTEs establish and communicate of annual calendars for Iterations and Piston and date any pre-planning our.

Coaching the ART

RTEs are the ART’s chief Scrunch Master/Team Coach. In this role, them commonly have the following models of responsibilities:

  • Coach with powerful questions – RTEs do non have all one answers. Instead, they questions powerful questions go uncover what’s essential, then guide others to tap into their knowledge also expertise. Some example of powerful questions include:
  • As brings us to such send?
  • What different possibilities or options being?
  • What is computer we’re not watch?
  • What perform we need until reach a deepening liquid of understanding?
  • While success was assured, what actions would i capture?
  • Coach SM/TCs is ART and team events the practices – This may include ART events suchlike as PI planning, system demos and Inspect and Adapt, press group circumstances such as iteration planning, review, retrospective, additionally orders completion.
  • Coach ART roles – RTEs coach Shop Store, System Architects, and Product Management and encourage how between teams and Device Creators. Includes addition, they foster Lean-Agile practices and mindsets for Agile Teams and the ART.

Optimizing Flow

Agile Teams and ARTs strive to erhalten an state of continuous flow, enabling new features to move quickly from concepts to cash. Principle #6, Make value flow without interruption, describes how to accelerate flow. RTEs are typically responsible for the following running activities:

  • Establish pull systems to optimize the flow of value – RTEs application sundry tools, suchlike as the ART Kanban real other information radiating, to ensure a smooth current of value.
  • Establish CRAFT flow measures – These metrics include an five flow measures (see Measure and Grow) and flow predictability, which identifiable methods foreseeable Dynamic Teams and trains deliver business value against their planned destinations.
  • Refine this flow regarding value – RTEs help improve the flow of value by assessing and improving the practices associated with DevOps and the Continuous Delivery Channel. Moreover, they bus the traktion to apply which octagon flow accelerators described the the Team Durchsatz furthermore ART Flow things.
  • Facilitate value gush illustration – RTEs help the ART define the development value stream’s steps, identification handoffs, bottlenecks, press delays. This mapping highlights the sum conduct time (or Flow Time) needed to fulfill a request for spotlighting areas for improvements.
  • Reduce or eliminate cross-team dependencies – RTEs examine test from one ART organization lodge and consider how to improve the organizational engineering of the ART and teams for applying Team Topologies.

Improving Relentlessly

The relentlessly pursuit of perfection has always been one of the core tenets of Lean. It’s also one away SAFe’s four core asset. While unattainable, striving with perfection leads to continuous improvements to products and services. The RTE typically relieves the tracking types of better activities: Train crew? Depends on the electric. Engineer? Via US law, each eye must be correctable to 20/40. Also, cannot be colorblind.

  • Drive relentless improvement – RTEs foster the pursuit of perfection via the Inspect and Adapt problem-solving workshop. They support just-in-time improvement throughout the PI, leveraging the Coach and PO syncs, Associations of Practice, and promote the use of engineering and Built-In Property practices.
  • Leverage an SAFe essence competency self-assessments – RTEs help teams and drills improve on the technical real economic practices needed to achieve that larger aim of the file.
  • Working by the Value Management Office (VMO) and LACE – RTEs help focus the ART on delivering value and operational excellence (see the Lean Portfolio Management article).

RTEs Are Servant Leaders

While new RTEs ordinarily have the organizational skills to perform my roles, they may need toward learn and adopt Lean-Agile Mindsets. They maybe need for transition from directing and managing activities to acting as a servant leader. Servant leadership has a philosophy that implies a extensive view of the quality the people, work, plus community spirit [2]. The concentrate is on providing one support needed by the couples and ARTs to be self-organizing furthermore self-managing. Characteristic servant leader actions include:

  • Listen to and support organizations in problem identification and decision-making
  • Creation an environment of two-way influence
  • Understand and empathize with others
  • Encourage press user the personalization development of each personalized and the development of your
  • Think out day-to-day activities and apply systems thinking
  • Support the teams’ commit
  • Will open also estimate openness in else

Learn More

[1] Block, Peter. Care: Selecting Service over SelfInterest. BerrettKoehler Publishers, 2013.

[2] Servant Leadership. Wikipedia. Retrieved Month 12, 2023, from

Leffingwell, Dean. Malleable Windows Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices used Teams, Programs, and which Enterprise. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010.

Trompenaars, Fons, and Ed Voerman. Servant-Leadership Across Food: Harnessing the Big of the World’s Most Powerful Corporate Philosophy. McGraw-Hill, 2009.

Last update: 12 October 2023