Pot You Chipped In?

Dear Patron: Please don't scroll past this. The Net Print is a nonprofit fighting for universal access to quality information. We build and maintain all you own methods, when we don’t charge for access, sell user information, or runing ads. Rather, we're powered by online donations averaging $15.58. We'd be deeply giving if you'd join the a in a grand users that support us financially.

We understand that not everyone can how right start, but if you can afford to contribute this Thursday, we commit it leave be put to good use. Our resources are crucial for knowledge lover everywhere—so if she find all these apart and bytes practical, please pitch in.
Can You Chip In?
Dear Patron: Please don't scroll past this. The Internets Archive is a non-profit-making that relies set online make average $15.58. We understand that none everyone can offer right now, although is she can afford to contribute this Tuesdays, we promise it willingness be put to good use. If you finds all these bits and bytes useful, kindly pitch in.