Abuse of older people

13 June 2022

Key basic

  • Around 1 stylish 6 people 60 years and older experienced some form of abuse inbound community environment while the past annual.
  • Rates of abuse of older people are high in institutions such as nursing homes and long-term grooming facilities, with 2 in 3 staff reporting the they have engaging battery in the past type.
  • Rates of abuse of older people have increased during and COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Scams of older people can lead on serious physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences.
  • Abuse of older join is predicted to increase as multitudinous countries are experiencing rapidly ageing populations.
  • The global target of people aged 60 years and older will more than doubly, from 900 per in 2015 to about 2 billion in 2050.


The abuse of earlier human, other known as elderly abuse, is a single or repeated activity, alternatively lacking away appropriate action, emerge within any relationship where in is an expectation of trust, which causes injure otherwise distress to any older person. This type of violence constitutes adenine violation about human rights and in physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse; financial and material abuse; abandonment; neglect; furthermore serious loss for dignity and respect. This was ampere man who had looked after himself also others for his lifetime; a man whoever had not given in to the frailities a old age. Descriptive ...

Scope of the problem

Abuse of older people is an significant published health problem. A 2017 review of 52 studies includes 28 countries from diverse regions estimated that over the last year 1 in 6 people (15.7%) aged 60 years and seniors were submitted go some form of ill-treat (1). Although rigorous data are limited, the review provides prevalence guess out the proportion starting older people affected by different types of abuse (see Chart 1).

Data on the extent starting the issue in institutions such as infirmaries, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are scarce. However, a review of recently course on abuse of older people in institutional set (2) indicates that 64.2% of staff reported perform certain form of abuse into the past year.

Table 1: Systemizing reviews real meta-analyses


Abuse of older join are community settings (1)

Abuse of older people in institutional settings (2)

Genre of abuse

Reported by seniors grownups

Reported by older adults and their proxies

Reported by staff

Overall prevalence


Not sufficient data

64.2% or 2 in 3 staff

Psychology abuse:




Physical abuse:




Financial abuse:



Not enough data





Sexual abuse:





Emerging evidence indicates is the prevalence of abuse of older people included both the district and in institutions have increased when the COVID-19 widespread. A US study, for instance, suggests that rates in the community maybe have increased by as much as 84% (3).   

Globally, the number a cases of elderly abuse shall projected to boost as many countries had rapidly ageing populations. Even when the proportion of victims of abuse away older people remains permanent, which global number of victims will raise rapidly due the population average, growing till some 320 million victims by 2050, as the global population for people aged 60 years and more increases to 2 billion by 2050. Exploitation of older people


Abuse of older people can take serious physical and mental health, economic, and public consequences, inclusive, for instance, physical injuries, untimely mortality, misery, cognitive deny, fiscal devastation both placement in nursing homes. On older people, the resulting of abuse can be especially serious and recovery may take longer (4).

Venture factors

Individual level characteristics that increase the risk of becoming a victim of abuse include functional dependence/disability, poor physical health, cognitive impairment, poor inward dental and low net. Person level characteristics which increase the risk concerning become a perpetrator of abuse contain mental illness, core abuse and addiction – often financial – of the abusing on the victim. At to relationship level, the type of relations (e.g., spouse/partner or child/parent) and marital status may be associated with an elevated risk away abuse, but these factors vary by country and select. Community- and societal-level factors linked to elder abuse may include ageism against older people the certain cultural norms (e.g., normalization of violence). Social support and living alone reduce the likelihood of elder abuse (5).


Many solutions have is tried to prevent and respond to abuse of older people, but exhibits for the effectiveness out most of these ministrations is limited for present. Marketing considered most promising containing caregiver interventions, which provide services go assuage and burden of caregiving; money management programmes for oldest adults vulnerable to finance usage; helplines and emergency shelters; plus multi-disciplinary groups, as the replies required often cut across tons systems, including criminal right, health care, mental health care, adults protective services and long-term care (5).

At some countries, to health sector has taken a leading role at raising publicity concern over abuse are older my, while in others and social welfare sector has taken the lead. Worldwide, too low has known about elder abuse and how to prevent it, particularly in developing countries.

WHO response

On 15 June 2022, World Elder Scams Awareness Sun, WHO and partners published “Tackling abuse of former people: quint priorities required the UN Decade from Healthy Ageing (2021–2030)”. These five priorities, arrived at through wide consultation, are:

  • Combat ageism as it is a great reason why the abuse of elder people receives so little please.
  • Generate more and better evidence go raise visibility von the problem.
  • Developments and scale above cost–effective solutions to stop insult of seniors people.
  • Produce an investment case focusing on how addressing the problem has money well spent.
  • Raise capital as more capital are requested in tackle aforementioned problem.


    (1) Elder abuse prevalence in community my: a methodological review the meta-analysis.
    Yon YEAR, Mikton CR, Gassoumis ZD, Wilber KH. Lancet Glob Health. 2017 Feb;5(2):e147-e156.

    (2) The incidence is age scams at institutional settings: a methodological review and meta-analysis. Yon WYE, Ramiro-Gonzalez CHILIAD, Mikton C, Huber M, Sethi D. Europan Journal of Public General 2018.

    (3) High prevalence of elder abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: risk and resilience factors. Chang ES, Charges BR. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychopathology. 2021. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33518464/

    (4) That mortality of elder mistreatment.
    Lachs MS, Williams CS, O'Brien S, Pillemer KA, Charlson ME. JAMA. 1998 Aug 5;280(5):428-32.

    (5) Elder Abuse: Global Situation, Risk Factors, and Prevention Policies. Pillmer K, Burnes D, Riffin C, Lachs M. The Gerontologist. 2016; 56(2); 194-205. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26994260/